The fruit fly is a very small fly common anywhere that people have food. About an eighth of an inch long, fruit flies have red eyes and tan and black bodies. They lay their eggs on rotting or fermenting fruit, and are commonly found around garbage cans, garbage disposals in sinks, or aging fruit left out on counters or in grocery stores. All that they need it a small amount of old fruit. Growing from an egg to an adult in about seven days, a population of fruit flies can explode if it remains unnoticed for even a short time.

Getting rid of fruit flies is almost impossible unless you can eliminate their food sources. As long as there is fruit present to consume and lay eggs, the flies will continue breeding and infesting the area. Ensure that all fruit kept is not allowed to remain on the counter after ripening, and keep containers sealed. Be aware of the potential for flies to live in garbage disposals, lost food under a refrigerator or in random garbage containers around the house. Fruit flies are best controlled by eliminating their food sources, and pest control services are not available for fruit flies.